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More articles from Howard Lake

Howard Lake | 19 July 1999 | News

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake has had two articles published on fundraising on the Internet.

UK Fundraising’s Howard Lake has had two articles published on fundraising on the Internet. “Grasping the Nettle” appears in the current issue (July/August) of Voluntary Voice, and offers some practical advice on how voluntary organisations can acquire on online presence. “Fundraising on the Internet: an overview of UK charities’ income-generation activities online” has been published in The ,a href=”mailto:r.*********” data-original-string=”YcnNmoHhM8sHmnJAVdUEZGovrhLVcG69zYgAXewFZBk=” title=”This contact has been encoded by Anti-Spam by CleanTalk. Click to decode. To finish the decoding make sure that JavaScript is enabled in your browser.”>New Review of Information Networking (vol. 4, 1998).


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