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Tony Elischer – Web site no longer important but vital

Howard Lake | 14 July 1999 | News

Fundraising consultant Tony Elischer thinks that Web sites are now an essential element of fundraising.

“Developing your Internet site is no longer an important element of a fundraising strategy: it’s vital.” Writing in Professional Fundraising magazine, fundraising consultant Tony Elischer argues that the Web and e-mail are essential tools for fundraisers, not mere add-ons.

In his article “E-asy does it” he admits that he was “probably very late into the [Internet] scene,” but now thinks that charities can not do with the Net.


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He quotes figures raised online by American non-profits in response to the Kosovo crisis campaign. Note the proportion of income being generated online.

The emphasis on the Web has gone on too long, he argues. “E-mail now has to be an obvious route to our middle donors.” Yet charities still have much to do. “Collecting e-mail addresses is a priority for recruiting donors, but few charities are investing in how to capitalise on this data.”

