The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Online nonprofit resources merge

Howard Lake | 10 January 1999 | News

January 8th saw the merger of the Internet Nonprofit Center and the Nonprofit FAQ.

January 8th saw the merger of the Internet Nonprofit Center and the Nonprofit FAQ. From now on the database of the official records of more than one million tax-exempt US non-profits will be housed on the same site as the venerable compendium of non-profit advice and expertise, the Nonprofit FAQ. You can find both at

The newly-enhanced Internet Nonprofit Center is a program of The Evergreen State Society in Seattle, Washington,under the presidency of Putnam Barber. The Society has built and maintained the Nonprofit FAQ since 1994. The Internet Nonprofit Center was founded by Cliff Landesman, who directs the Center’s Form 990 project, which works on the practical aspects of electronic filing of non-profits’ financial records. Michael Gilbert is Director of the Internet Nonprofit Center, andis also editor of the Nonprofit Online News. This combination of non-profit Internet experts bodes well for the future development of these pioneering online resources.


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