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Total fundraising up by 11% in one year

Howard Lake | 2 June 1998 | News

Total income of the UK’s top 500 fundraising charities grew by 11% in real terms between 1995/96 and 1996/97, according to figures released today from Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector 1998.

Published by Charities Aid Foundation and supported by NatWest, Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector shows that voluntary income for the top 500 charities grew by 8% in real terms to £2.3 billion, bringing total income to £4.4 billion in 1996/97 – the biggest increase this decade. Oxfam maintained its position at the top of the league with annual income at £89,188,000.

The overall increase in income was due largely to the fundraising efforts of the charities themselves, with income from charity shops rising by 21% and income from legacies and voluntary donations up by 7% in both cases.


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On the other hand, average income from covenants fell in real terms by 8%. Also, average grants from Europe and central government fell by 7% and 8% respectively, while the average value of fees and grants from local authorities declined by 23%.

Dimensions of the Voluntary Sector 1998 is the most comprehensive analysis of the resources and expenditure of the UK’s voluntary sector. To be published on 29 June 1998, full copies of the report are available at the pre-publication price of £30.00 plus £2.50 p&p. from CAF’s Internet bookstore.

