CFRE promotion - impact your community, like Josué E. Hernández, MA, CFRE. California, USA

This is a list of discussion lists of interest to professional fundraisers. Some are specific to a particular country or even region, others are of broader relevance.

Do take the time to read the introductory message you receive when subscribing to a list. It is also good practice to assess the volume, tone and content of messages on a particular list before you plunge in with your message.

For further information on fundraising discussion lists, see Chapter 4 of Direct Connection’s guide to Fundraising on the Internet by Howard Lake.

List nameTo subscribe send the message……to this addressArchives?
[UK flag] ADMIN-DEVELOP        A UK list available only to UK university development officers. It was set up for communication and information distribution, for sharing news of impending developments, for offering opinions and for exchanging ideas between the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals and those responsible for UK university development, fundraising and alumni relations.
A message asking to join[email protected]
AdvancementCovers all aspects of college and university advancement.
Annual_FundFocuses on all aspects of the annual fund campaign for nonprofit organisations and NGOs. This is an international forum open to any individual in any country with an interest in the topic.
[email protected]Archives
Arts_GiftAll aspects of fundraising for the visual arts, performing arts, cultural organisations, and humanities organisations. While discussions will center on fund raising for such organisations in the USA and Canada, individuals from other countries are welcome to join in. You can also join Arts_Gift Online, a Web-based discussion forum, although the list and forum are not linked.
SUBSCRIBE ARTS_GIFT Firstname Lastname
[email protected]Archives
AnnualGivingA discussion forum hosted by the University of Durham primarily for those in the UK and Europe who are interested in developing expertise and understanding of educational Annual Giving in all its forms. (October 2000)
[email protected]
AsdevArts & Sciences Development Officers’ discussion list.
subscribe asdev[email protected]
CapTalkAll aspects of the capital campaign for nonprofit/NGO organisations.
CDN-GIFTPL-LFor the exchange of information, ideas and questions regarding Canadian charitable gift planning
[email protected]
CFRNETA US discussion list for corporate and foundation relations in educational institutions.
ChristianDevA moderated discussion list open to any person who shares the Christian faith and an interest in the topic of development of churches, ministries, and organisations such as Christian schools, colleges, universities, and hospitals. Discussion is expected to focus on North America, but is open to Christians from all parts of the world. Merged with Hilaros in January 2000. (11/1/2000)
[email protected]
CybergiftsNow renamed e-philanthropy.

Development WritingA moderated list devoted to all aspects of writing for nonprofit-sector fundraising and development. This includes grammar and usage, but is intended to cover much more. CharityChannel welcomes participants to post questions about the style and substance of any of the written documents and resources used in development offices. These could include proposals, campaign materials, letters, brochures, direct mail pieces and even internal communications.
[email protected]
[UK flag] E-fundraisingAn unmoderated discussion list on using the Internet to fundraise, set up in April 2000 by Gareth Edwards of the RNIB. The list supports the Charities E-Commerce Group, also set up by Gareth Edwards, which began meeting approximately monthly in March 2000.
E-PHILANTHROPYCovers all aspects of electronic philanthropy ­ which includes online charitable giving, but goes substantially beyond that subject to explore how electronic philanthropy impacts, interfaces with, and integrates with the nonprofit organization’s overall development program. This forum was formerly named CYBERGIFTS. Established in October 2000.
[UK flag] EuroCASE-LA closed discussion list for institutions in Europe involved with CASE. The list is run by CASE Europe.
EventsFocuses on special events fund raising for nonprofit organizations/NGO’s. It is open to any individual from any country of the world with an interest in the topic.
SUBSCRIBE EVENTS Firstname Lastname
[email protected]Archives
FundCanA discussion list for educational fundraisers working within the Canadian context.
Subscribe FundCan Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
FundlistA US list for the discussion of university fundraising issues.
sub fundlist Firstname Lastname[email protected]searchable archive is also available, for messages since February 1996.
FundraisersThis US list is for Gay and Lesbian Fundraising Professionals, Fundraisers for Gay, Lesbian, AIDS and other related organisations, and Fundraising professionals who support the work of organisations in the lesbian and gay community and related communities. It was set up in March 2001 and by May 2001 had over 150 subscribers in several countries.
FundraisingThis US list deals with fundraising for education, schools, alumni associations, etc.
FUNDSVCSA US list for “nuts & bolts oriented” fundraising technical discussions
subscribe fundsvcs[email protected]From Duke University.
[UK flag] Fundraising-developmentThe Fundraising Development E-group is aimed at all those involved professionally or voluntarily in fundraising in the UK.  
Searchable archives available.
[UK flag] FundUKA discussion list for UK charity fundraisers for the discussion of UK fundraising issues, set up in April 1996. Open to fundraisers internationally, and unmoderated. Run by the creator of the UK Fundraising web site.
subscribe funduk[email protected] 
Gift-MgtA US list on issues of planned giving after the gift has been made, such as investment issues, administration, and reporting.
subscribe GIFT-MGT Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
Gift-PlA US discussion list on pledged giving
subscribe GIFT-PL Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
GiftManageA moderated discussion list focusing on all aspects of the management of endowment, charitable trust and foundation funds.
[email protected]
GiftplanA US list from the American Philanthropy Review focussing on all aspects of planned giving, from simple and complex planning challenges to marketing to ethics to administration. It is moderated by planned giving experts Stephen Nill, Mark Weinberg and Kathy Johnston. The list has a Canada-specific sublist for Canadian subscribers.
Giftplan-CanadaA moderated planned giving forum focusing on issues of interest to Canadian gift planners.
[email protected]
GiftProspectingA moderated discussion list focusing on all aspects of prospect research, including techniques, privacy, legal aspects, and ethics.
[email protected]
A US list to support discussion of Andrew Grant’s proposal tracking software. Renamed and expanded as  Guestsoft.
GrantsA US list on all aspects of grants and foundations, from the American Philanthropy Review. Canadian subscribers can opt to receive messages relevant only to Canada. Also available as Grants and Foundations online, a Web-based discussion, although the Web forum and list are not linked.
GRANTS-LNow re-named IGrants-L
Grantwriter-LA US list for people interested in funding, grants and scholarships.
subscribe grantwriter-l Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
GRANTWRKA US list for a group of people, from both the public and private sectors, who will work together to improve the grants process. This is not a listing of grants sources, nor will it offer tips or suggestions on how to obtain grants.
subscribe grantwrk
[email protected]
A US list to support discussion of freeware and shareware that is contributed to the GUESTSHARE system. Originally called Grant-tracker for the discussion of Andrew Grant’s proposal tracking software.
[email protected]
Health GiftA US list on health care philanthropy and fundraising for health care organizations of all kinds. While the list focuses on USA and Canadian health care organisations, individuals from any country of the world are welcome to participate.
HILAROSA US list to support and encourage Christians in fundraising and to discuss ideas and issues from a Christian perspective. Merged with ChristianDev at CharityChannel on 10 January 2000.
icmc-fundnewsICMC discussion on fundraising and donor development
info icmc-fundnews
[email protected]
IGrants-LCovers funding, grant development requirements, and other aspects of developing projects within institutions of higher education around the world. The list serves to provide a forum for sharing experience, ideas, thoughts, comments and sources of information on the preparation and administration of contracts and grants.
subscribe igrants-l Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives are available for 1994-97
INTFUNDInternational fundraising for higher education
subscribe intfund your_e-mail_address
[email protected]
International PhilanthropyInternational Philanthropy exists to nurture the development of philanthropy and the independent sector outside of the Anglo-American context. It serves as a meeting place for the exchange of ideas and information relating to philanthropy
Your_e-mail_address, Firstname Lastname, Title, Organisation
and International Philanthropy in the Subject
[email protected]
Jewish PhilanthropyIncludes reviews of relevant books and Web sites which discuss relevant issues. It will continue to give information about fundraising activities, and to discuss issues relating to Jewish philanthropic sources and resources. (15/7/1999)
SubscribeDavid Grossman
K-12A moderated discussion list focusing on all aspects of the development of K-12 schools, public and private. The list is expected to focus on fundraising (grants, annual fund, special events, planned giving, supporting foundations, public funding, etc.) but is not limited just to fund raising.  Indeed, any aspect of development is open to discussion. K-12 is open to anyone interested in the topic, such as fund development officers, faculty, parents, administrators, board members, volunteers, public officials, and others. There is no charge to subscribe. (8/9/1999)
SUBSCRIBE K-12 Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
Lottery ManagementA moderated discussion list focused on the use of raffles and lotteries for fundraising in the not-for-profit and charitable communities. This list will be of particular interest to those involved in the day-to-day operations of raffles and lotteries. Anyone with an interest in lotteries or raffles in the charitable gaming or not-for-profit community is welcome.
[email protected]
MICHFUNDMichigan Fundraising Forum is a collaborative effort of the Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement – Michigan Chapter (APRA-MI) and the National Society of Fund Raising Executives – Greater Detroit Chapter (NSFRE-Detroit). The purpose of the list, hosted at Wayne State University in Detroit, is to serve as a forum for communication and information sharing among members of the Michigan fund raising community.
As such, subscriptions are limited to individuals actively involved in the grant making or fund development program of a Michigan-based organization. All others must be involved in activity considered by the list managers to be consistent with the purpose of the list.
[email protected]
Nonprofit entrepreneurshipNonprofit business planning and development (social entrepreneurship). An unmoderated group that discusses practical ways to increase mission-related earned income.Topics include:1) How to assess organisational willingness and ability to develop earned income.
2) The risks and rewards of developing earned income.
3) How to identify and select viable opportunities.
4) How to conduct business research. How to create an effective business plan.
5) How to integrate business planning and earned income development into the daily management of your organisation.The focus here is not on abstract concepts, but practical “how to’s,” and to share best practices, tools, and techniques.
Started in July 2000 with 56 messages posted that month, it has gradually declinded to one message in October 2001, 17 in November, and 10 in January 2002.
[email protected]
opn_fundsOPN Fundraising Committee
info opn_funds[email protected]
PG-USATolerates and encourages discussions on any aspect of the planned giving profession, whether on a specific gift planning issue or not. Particularly welcome are discussions on the establishing new planned giving programs for institutions big and small, in the U.S. or Canada; the best strategies for rapidly growing such programs by improving the number and quality of planned gifts; the setting of gift policies; ethics; legislation; and more. A similar Web-based forum, Planned Giving USA, is also available. From the publishers of The American Philanthropy Review.
prospect-research-ukProspect research by UK fundraisers.

[email protected]
PRSPCT-LFounded in 1992, an unmoderated US discussion list provided as a forum for discussion of prospect research issues. One of the very best e-mail lists for the fundraising profession, largely because of the dedication of list manager Joseph Boeke. A very busy list, with 400-600 messages a month (2001).

[email protected]
PSSThe Philanthropy Studies Society list is run by the Center on Philanthropy at the University of Indiana. It was set up on 18 July 1994. Subscriptions are restricted.
Send enquiries to[email protected]
RAISER’S EDGE USERSEstablished in September 1999, an unofficial discussion list run by an anonymous user of Raiser’s Edge. “I have decided to offer a forum for both gruntled and disgruntled users to speak freely about the product.”
RESADM-LThe Research Administration Discussion List is a forum for individuals involved in research administration for discussion of a wide variety of research administration issues including changes in federal regulations, interpretation and implementation of private and federal sponsor regulations, indirect costs, budget caps, new grant programs and anything else that would generally be of interest to research administrators. The forum is intended to give research administrators a way to “compare notes” and to share policies, procedures and information that help to get the job done in this increasingly complex field.
Typical members would include members of the Society of Research Administration and NCURA, but participation in the list would by no means be limited to members of these groups.
Subscribe resadm-l Firstname Lastname
[email protected]
SpendenFundraising in Germany.
subscribe spenden Firstname Lastname Organisation name
[email protected]
W-AmphilrevSee Womensphil.
WomensphilWomen in Philanthropy is open to any person of either gender interested in the topic of women as donors and/or the establishment and growth of nonprofit fund development programs which focus on women as donors. The e-mail list was discontinued in February 1998 but a Web-based forum is still available.
WorldGiftFocuses on cross-border charitable giving. This list is a truly international list, and covers giving across national boundaries between any nations of the world. Open to individuals from any country. Originally called World_USA.
World_USASee WorldGift
Lists of interest to fundraisers

The following lists have not been created for fundraisers but they often contain information of interest and use to fundraisers.
List nameTo subscribe send the message…… to this addressArchives?
[UK flag] ACT-LThe list run by the Assocation for Consultants and Trainers in the voluntary sector in the UK. (8/1/2000)
ARNOVA-LThe US NonProfit and Voluntary Action Discussion Group, an international electronic forum for anyone using or interested in nonprofit organisations, voluntary action or philanthropy, to facilitate the rapid sharing of concerns, interests, problems and solutions among interested scholars and practitioners. Affiliated with the Association for Research on Non-profit Organisations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)
ALUMNI-LDedicated to the interchange of ideas and information among alumni relations professionals at colleges, universities, and independent schools everywhere. Possible areas of discussion include (but are not limited to): alumni education; working with Boards and volunteers; alumni training and workshop programs; the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE); cooperation with your Development Office; joint programming with other schools; educational travel; clubs and associations; minority and special interest group issues; and reunions and class-based programs.  ALUMNI-L is un-moderated. (11/02/1998)
SUBSCRIBE ALUMNI-L Firstname Lastname[email protected]
ARTMGT-LArts Management Discussion Group
SUBSCRIBE ARTMGT-L Firstname Lastname[email protected]
BoardsLaunched in July 1998 by American Philanthropy Review, this list focuses on all aspects of nonprofit/NGO governance, board issues such as board creation and function, board-member responsibility in fundraising, board-member liability and other legal issues involving board members, board policies, and so on. The list should be of interest to any individual involved in any aspect of nonprofit management or governance, fund development, board development, and many other related topics. Boards is designed as an international list, so is open to individuals from any country with an interest in the topic.
CharityEthicsAll aspects of ethics and accountability in the nonprofit/NGO sector.
Charitylaw CanadaA moderated discussion list focusing on all aspects of the Canadian law of tax-exempt organisations.  It is the Canadian counterpart to the popular U.S. version, CHARITYLAW.
SUBSCRIBE CHARITYLAW-CANADA Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives
CharityLeaderA moderated discussion list focusing on leadership practices as they apply in the non-profit sector. This list will be of particular interest to board members and staff (paid and volunteer) members alike. Explores many different aspects of leadership including (but not limited to) leadership practice measurement inventories, leadership practices resources and training programs. 
SUBSCRIBE CHARITYLEADER Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives
CharitySoftSoftware, the Internet, and Charities. The list often includes discussion on Internet fundraising.
SUBSCRIBE CHARITYSOFT Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives
CharitytalkFounded in 1993 and sponsored by American Philanthropy Review, a US “superlist” for discussions across lines that usually separate the professions, disciplines, and sub-disciplines involved in the nonprofit arena. Originally called Talk-Amphilrev and then Talk. Canadian subscribers can opt to receive only messages relevant to Canada.
subscribe talk Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives.
Charity Webmasters ForumA discussion forum for managers of charity websites. Regular meetings for charities in London. Founded in May 2000.
CharitywirePermits organisations, both nonprofit and for-profit, to post news releases of interest to the media and the nonprofit sector. CHARITYWIRE is not a discussion list, but is an announcement list where subscribers are free to post news releases of interest to the media and the non-profit sector.        
SUBSCRIBE CHARITYWIRE Firstname Lastname[email protected]
For anyone who sponsors a child from another country, through any charity organisation (Christian Children’s Fund, Childreach, etc.), or is interested in sponsoring a child and wants to learn more about it from people who already participate.  Exchange stories, experiences, and pictures of your sponsor child, their families, and their country.  Get to know others who share your concerns about helping to improve the lives of children from developing countries.
[email protected]
Consult-LSee Consultants.
Archives, now maintained by CharityChannel.
ConsultantsFormerly Consult-L, Consultants is used by fund raising consultants or those persons interested in consulting. The purpose of Consultants is to discuss issues related to philanthropy and its associated services. The list is open to independent consultants as well as those employed by firms. Points of discussion may include such business aspects of consulting to nonprofit organizations as marketing, client/consultant relations, fees and collection, ethics, standards, strategies and resources.
Cyb-accCyber-accountability – an open forum for people who wish to explore possible uses of information technology (such as the Internet or CD-ROMs) to enhance the accountability of nonprofit organizations.
Archives available, as is a list of subscribers
FOUNDATION-L     Falling Rock Software Co provide information on foundations and other funding resources on this one-way mailing list.
subscribe foundation-l Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archived messages are available.
GIVINGA US list for donors and volunteers who support nonprofit organisations (including those who give small financial contributions) and others interested in philanthropy and volunteer activity. This list originated as a project of the Internet NonProfit Center
subscribe giving Firstname Lastname[email protected]
If you would like to give back to those who can use your time and thereby benefit from your experience, or if you are new to a field relating to the nonprofit sector and could use some mentoring, this US list is for you. It was originally set up in October 1997 as the Web-based forum Mentors in American Philanthropy.
SUBSCRIBE MENTORS Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives are available.
NonprofitFormerly USNonprofit-l, this is a discussion group for issues facing nonprofit organisations, and the causes and people that they serve. Carries some of the messages on the newsgroup. Home of the remarkably extensive collection of free practical advice that is the Nonprofit FAQ
in the Subject
[email protected] or
[email protected] for digest version
Nonprofit-netA US list for discussion of the use of the Internet by nonprofit organisations
sub nonprofit-net Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archived messages are available.
PractacFor the discussion by non-profit practitioners and academics of prior, current, and prospective research; books and other written works that incorporate academic research; and any other topic relevant to the list.  Most importantly, the list will be a community from both sides of the “chasm.””
SUBSCRIBE PRACTAC Firstname Lastname[email protected]Archives are available.
RotoractFor discussion related to Rotaract, in particular for asking questions, solving problems, or just making and contacting Rotaract friends worldwide. It is also open to Rotarians, Interactors, Ambassadorial Scholars and Group Study Exchange team members.
subscribe world help[email protected]Archives are available.
TalkSee Charitytalk
USNonprofit-l    See Nonprofit. Find out What happened to USNonprofit-L
Volsec-research-arvacAn open news and discussion list for those involved in research in, on and about the voluntary and community sector in the UK. Run by the Association for Research in the Voluntary and Community Sector.
WebmanagerProvided by Deutschen Spendeninstitut (the German Charities Institute) and Fundraising UK Ltd, Webmanager is provided at no cost for all those responsible for managing and developing non-profit Websites. This includes non-profit staff and volunteers, and the staff of agencies which run non-profits’ Web sites. It is available not only to those responsible for the technical aspects of nonprofits’ Websites but also to those responsible for managing or editing them, or for using them for publishing, fundraising, PR and campaigning purposes. (1997)


Restricted access lists

Some e-mail discussion lists are only available to members of an organisation or group. Others are restricted to those living or working in a geographical region.

Lists provided by software providers

A number of fundraising software providers run e-mail lists that are available only to their clients. These are efficient services in a number of ways. They allow the software provider to answer queries from users in a wider forum. They offer clients and users an opportunity to share tips and solutions to common problems. They also allow the software provider to distribute information such as product updates or bug fixes rapidly.

Companies providing such lists include:

In some cases software users have created their own unofficial discussion and user fora for fundraising software packages.

Other lists of fundraising discussion lists

Other types of list for fundraisers

Remember that a number of publications are available in full or in summary form via e-mail. You can subscribe to these e-mail lists and receive information promptly, often before the paper version – if there is one – has been delivered. A number of these e-mail-distributed magazines are listed on UK Fundraising’s magazines page.

Web fora

As well as e-mail lists, fundraiser can also share ideas on Web-based discussion boards. These include:

