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Charity Boxes

Howard Lake | 29 March 2012

How charity collection boxes help charities fundraise

In order for UK charities to be efficient, dependable and help the beneficiaries the charity was set up for in the first place, they must raise funds to do this. Funds are raised in a number of ways but primarily through grants, donations, fundraising events and solicitations. These are the main revenue generating activities of charities both large and small and go a long way in securing the long term viability of the charity. To store the funds collected at fundraising events by fundraisers (often volunteers), most charities will use boxes, cans, tins or containers.

Charity collection boxes help in fundraising in a number of ways. They bring respectability and confidence to the donor when parting with their money. Isn’t it reassuring that your money is really going to a worthy cause if you drop your coins or stuff your dollars into a bucket which says “Salvation Army”, than giving it to a person with a sponsor walk sheet or some other non-branded container?

Several charities are identified by the colours and design of their boxes and they serve as great advertising vehicles to increase donors and members to these charities. They also go a long way in increasing awareness in the particular charity’s cause. A person with a charity collection box looks more credible and is easily identifiable.

Additionally, a lot of collection boxes have security features that do not allow the easy retrieval of money from them. This feature alone allows for the charity to protect itself from unscrupulous volunteers who would retrieve the money for their personal use.

Charity cans, containers or boxes also cut out attempts at fraud by persons not associated with the charity because if you see an individual with a Red Cross box collecting money, immediately you can call the organisation and enquire if they have fundraising or are soliciting funds at that particular location. This could either be confirmed or denied therefore bringing the relevant authorities into play.

In a nutshell, charity collection boxes made charity fundraising, safe, trustworthy and secure and allows charities and not for profit organisation to raise more funds, awareness and respectability from their donors and employees alike.

