Pay it Forward

The story of how an idea became a movement in the US, and then spread internationally. One good turn deserves another. It’s a revolutionary idea.

Catherine Ryan Hyde’s international sensation, Pay It Forward, is the story of Trevor McKinney, a twelve-year-old boy who accepts his social studies teacher’s challenge to come up with a plan to change the world.

Trevor’s idea is simple: do a good deed for three people and ask them to “pay it forward” to three others who need help. He envisions a vast movement of kindness and goodwill spreading beyond his small California town and across the world.

The book was made into a film.

Pay It Forward Day is on 28 April. It was marked in the UK in 2016.

More at the Pay It Forward Foundation.


“The philosophy behind this book is so intriguing, and the optimism so contagious… a book that lingers long after the last page”
Denver Post

“Hyde’s book delivers a profound vision: The simple magic of the human heart”
San Francisco Chronicle

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