The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution: Powerful Revenue Strategies to Take You to the Next Level

Presenting real-life stories and “casebooks” of strategies in action, The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution bridges the gap between theory and practical methods and shows you how to:

• Determine the right level of funding diversification
• Build a broad constituency of donors aligned to your mission
• Ensure that executive leadership and board dynamics fully support your fundraising initiatives
• Proactively encourage planned giving
• Avoid revenue plateaus

Revealing the inextricable link between successful fundraising and organisational development, the book shows how to increase your access to wealthy donors and raise your community profile to power revenue through tactics such as challenge drives, stretch gifts, and corporate matching gifts; parlour gatherings; leadership councils; year-end drives; corporate partnerships; and major campaigns.


The Nonprofit Fundraising Solution shows us how to create a fundraising culture in any nonprofit organisation. The content is spot-on and very thought provoking. It goes further than most to deliver the stuff every CEO needs, trade secrets that fundraisers usually keep to themselves.”
Michael E. Clark, President, Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York

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