Marketing Strategy: for Effective Fundraising

A well-planned marketing strategy has a key role in the execution of a successful fundraising campaign.

Peter Maple, now a senior lecturer with South Bank University, wears not only his academic hat but also draws heavily on his hands on experience at a senior level with major charities to provide a down-to-earth guide to effective marketing.

The book offers a strategic, integrated approach and enables readers to plan and implement social marketing strategies with more impact and better coordination.

The new edition is planned to appeal to specialist fundraisers and managers wanting a clearer view of:

Who is this book for?

Marketing Strategy is aimed at fundraisers wanting to understand more clearly the role of social marketing as well as existing and student charity marketeers wanting to integrate fundraising and communications more effectively.

Peter Maple talks to DSC about his research and in particularly the issues with social marketing and the lack of integration by charities with their marketing efforts.
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