Fundraiser’s Phrase Book

A major thesaurus packed with of thousands of positive, action-oriented phrases to help the nonprofit professional.

These phrases provide ready-to-use building blocks to create proposals, speeches, reports, presentations, grant applications, letters, web pages and fundraising packages that really work. Arranged by key word in clear, user-friendly bulleted lists, the phrases come with lots of cross references and vast array of persuasive alternate word choices.

Large additional sections deal with the Internet, Contests and Sweepstakes, Telephone Campaigns and Saying Thank You.

There are Envelope Teasers, urgings for Lapsed Donors and Members, special encouragement for Donor Renewal and Monthly or Sustained Giving, Reply Device wordings and much, much more.

The Fundraiser’s Phrase Book also functions as a giant idea bank. The phrases contain a treasury of fundraising concepts quickly adaptable to individual needs.

Small charitable endeavours will find this book a priceless resource. Large organisations will save much precious time putting together the words so crucial to nonprofit success.

As competition for donor dollars increases, the Fundraiser’s Phrase Book is one of the best investments anyone seeking to raise charitable funds can make.


I want to buy the Fundraiser’s Phrase Book (for the 6th time, as I keep giving it away to aspiring copywriters) as well as your 1001 Ways to Say Thank You that someone has recommended to me. The Phrase book has been a treasured resource all through my career.
Tamara Alexander, CFRE, Senior Strategist, Touchworks Communications, Inc.

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