Coach Your Champions: The Transformational Giving Approach to Major Donor Fundraising

This book offers a different approach to most fundraising, taking a Christian approach which assumes, for example, that “God has already sent your organisation all the major donors you need”.

Is your Christian nonprofit or church struggling financially? Do you find yourself saying, “If only we could find a few more givers with deep pockets to help us make budget?”

It’s an understandable sentiment. But the Bible holds a totally different approach to major donor development – one completely counter to the secular fundraising approach ministries have been taught they must practice.

In this nuts and bolts nonprofit fable, you’ll learn how:

As you set aside the secular shackles you’ve unwittingly placed on your Christian development programme, you’ll lower the barriers to meaningful involvement in your cause while raising the bar for what you can expect from your ministry’s champions – all while having a lot more fun in fundraising.

About Eric Foley

The Reverend Eric Foley is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Seoul USA/.W (which stands for DOTW, or Doers Of The Word).

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