Capital Campaigns: A Guide for Board Members and Others

The full subtitle of this book is ‘A Guide for Board Members and Others Who Aren’t Professional Fundraisers but Who Will Be the Heroes Who Create a Better Community’. 

This indicates that, while board members are essential players in any capital fundraising campaign, there are other staff, volunteers and supporters who also have a key role. “Professional fundraisers” aren’t a requirement, according to the author.

Are you a board member whose organisation is contemplating a capital campaign? Do you wonder what’s expected of you and whether you’ll be able to reach your fundraising goal? At last, here’s an authoritative but accessible guide for board members, offering a readable and thorough blueprint for how to conduct a capital or endowment campaign.

Calling on 25 years of experience working with thousands of board members, Stuart Grover offers a step-by-step approach to conducting campaigns. He provides both practical knowledge and inspiration to those men and women he characterises as “the heroes who create a better community.”

In a conversational style, Grover leads his readers toward the rewarding sense of fulfilment that community service offers.

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