Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Online donating site makes gift of its own

Howard Lake | 4 January 2012 | News

The new online donating website www.gift2help.com, which launched prior to Christmas, has made a gift of its own by donating £100 to its chosen charity.

gift2help.com pledged to give £1 for every Facebook page ‘like’ and Twitter follower in the week prior to Christmas and thanks to its supporters will be helping Organization for Life Care based in Cameroon. This incredibly worthy charity aims to create a strong and empowered network of children, young people and women to fight HIV and AIDS, human rights abuse, human life destruction and alleviate poverty by educating the underprivileged in some of Cameroon’s poorest rural areas.

Markus Stricker of gift2help.com comments: “Since its launch in October, we are steadily raising awareness of this new online giving website, which is a totally free service for charities, bringing supporters to their doors. Thanks to friends of gift2help.com following us on Facebook and Twitter, more and more people are visiting the website raising awareness for the participating charities and attracting donations for their various causes.”


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Unlike any other charity-giving website, gift2help.com ensures that 100% of every donation goes direct to the chosen charity with absolutely no cost to the charity at all. Non-profit organisations wishing to take advantage of this fantastic fundraising opportunity should email Markus at: in**@gi*******.com.

