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Membership gift coupons can now be donated using Gift Aid

Howard Lake | 24 February 2010 | News

Gift Aid recovery consultancy GAIN has announced the Charity Discount Card, a method of enabling charity’s donors to donate gift coupons they might receive from the charity under the Gift Aid scheme.
Many membership organisations and associations include a discount card or vouchers for their members, giving them discounts and benefits at selected retailers and suppliers. Until now these discounts could not be donated to charity under Gift Aid because there were not cash donations.
GAIN’s director Barry Gower has, however, developed a new structure that overcomes this. HMRC have approved this new approach.
As a result, donors who purchase gift coupons or vouchers at a discount off the face value can now choose to donate the discount to charity and to do this using Gift Aid.
This new approach was announced yesterday at CHASE 2010 in London.

