Fundraisers at IFC learn how to thrive in unpredictable markets

Howard Lake | 22 October 2009 | News

Over the past two days delegates at this year’s International Fundraising Congress in Holland, have learned how they can use unpredictable markets as a catalyst for making long-term improvements to the way they fundraise.

Margaret Bennett, Director of THINK Consulting Solutions and Roberta Capella of SOS Children’s Villages, have run a two-day masterclass in which they shared a 10-step action plan for ‘surviving and thriving’ in unpredictable markets, drawing upon lessons learned by charities and nonprofits during previous recessions.

Bennett counselled fundraisers against using the global recession as an excuse for poor performance. “It is a tough marketplace for fundraising, but when has it ever been easy?” she asked.


“Markets are never predictable – we must not use the recession to excuse poor performance. It will show up any weak spots in the fundraising strategy and fundraisers must be quick to respond to those elements that are or are not working, up-scaling or downsizing activities as relevant.

“Organisations that ride the storm will be those that see the recession as a catalyst to making long-term improvements to fundraising.”

Three of Bennett and Capella’s points from the action plan included:

• Prioritise net profit over growth. Net income should be the driver, so do not be afraid to plan a reduction in number of supporters in difficult recruitment conditions.

• Assess your attitude to change: be prepared to operate as a rapid response team. Don’t always stay with what you know purely to avoid risk.

• Invest in your core business: while new donors are important, the emphasis must be on retaining existing supporters.

