The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Prostate Cancer increases donations with goDonate, & other agency news

Melanie May | 9 December 2019 | News

ICYMI: here’s a round up of some of the recent agency and supplier news, from Prostate Cancer’s adoption of the goDonate platform, to Mind and Open’s DMA win for the charity’s Pause box, and autumn’s launch of Philanthropy & Fundraising, North America (PFNA), in the US by Adrian Sargent and Alan Clayton.
Prostate Cancer donations

Prostate Cancer UK sees donations increase following online overhaul

Prostate Cancer UK has seen an increase in donations following a recent overhaul of its online donor journey and payment options.
The charity made changes to its online giving journeys using the goDonate platform from strategic creative agency WPNC.
goDonate has allowed Prostate Cancer UK to create a deeper emotional connection with supporters, keeping them engaged throughout the donation funnel, and resulting in a rise in online donation income of 32% just eight weeks after the launch, which also features additional payment options for supporters.
The platform includes support for digital wallets such as Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal, which the charity was not able to accept before. Supporters can now give using digital wallets for both cash donations and regular gifts.
Prostate Cancer UK has also discovered that a quarter of all regular donations to the charity are now made via digital wallets, and some 31% of one-off cash donations are made using digital wallets.
With the new platform, integrated with the charity’s other technology including Raiser’s Edge, Rapidata and Adestra, Prostate Cancer UK can create customised online journeys for specific appeals, while goDonate is also performance-tested to cope with donation spikes, such as TV campaigns and Christmas appeals.

Mind Pause

Mind & Open win DMA gold award for Pause subscription product

The DMA has awarded Mind and Open a Gold Award to recognise the success of their ‘Pause’ subscription product.
Mind briefed Open to find a new way to cut through the charity marketplace and recruit regular supporters to help deliver its work. The idea needed to stand out from the crowd, engage long-term support, and align to the core values of the organisation’s brand.
Research showed that a significant potential audience of younger women were increasingly aware of the need to look after their mental health and looking for products to help them do this – in addition to existing methods such as yoga, meditation and craft.
The team also focused on how this audience was engaging with commercial subscription products such as Birchbox as well as having a stated propensity to support and engage with mental health causes.
The resulting Pause is a monthly me-time treat to boost wellbeing, delivered to your door (and email inbox) for a donation of £7.50. It has surpassed all its KPIs – hitting annual recruitment targets within the first six months and increasing Mind’s regular giving recruitment volumes by over 20%.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.



Astarita, Aldrich & Ward & Big Mallet form partnership

Astarita, Aldrich & Ward (AAW) and Big Mallet have formed a partnership to help the two organisations collaborate more closely.
London-based AAW is a global leadership consulting and search practice run by Mark Astarita, Tobin Aldrich and Imogen Ward, while Winchester-based Big Mallet specialises in digital for the third sector.
The partnership formalises several years of the two organisations working together as strategic and operational problem solvers. AAW uses workshops in all consultancy projects to help steer teams to develop their own practical solutions. Workshops are also at the heart of Big Mallet’s multi-platform design and concept development service, which created to help charities develop communications that accomplish their goals in creative, design, UX, digital campaigns, and digital marketing.
The new partnership will enable AAW and Big Mallet to fuse their approaches to help organisations with their digital needs through interactive workshops with support also offered through to implementation.
Tobin Aldrich and Imogen Ward become non-executive directors of Big Mallet, working alongside CEO Steven Ramsay who becomes AAW’s first Creative Director. Big Mallet will retain its technical base in Winchester but will also have a London hub where creative workshops will primarily take place.


Alan Clayton & Adrian Sargent launch PFNA in US

ACA Philanthropy & Fundraising’s Alan Clayton and Adrian Sargent have launched a seminar and training programme for non-profit executives – Philanthropy & Fundraising, North America (PFNA) – in the US.
PFNA is founded by Adrian Sargent, Tina Hudgins, Kyla Shawyer, Geoff Peters, and Alan Clayton. Based in Washington DC, The organisation will guide and support non-profits in achieving transformational growth through five different channels.
These are:

The launch of PFNA is supported by six years of worldwide research conducted by Sargeant and Clayton to identify key behaviours nonprofits can adopt to dramatically increase fundraising income and supporter engagement to multiply societal impact.

