The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Explorer scheme incentivises volunteering for money off expeditions

Melanie May | 4 February 2019 | News

British Exploring Society has opened its 2019 Explorer Miles bursary scheme for new applications, with expeditions part funded by a £50,000 anonymous corporate donation.
The Explorer Miles Scheme lets young people between the ages of 14 and 25 earn credits for money off expeditions by volunteering with summer 2019 expeditions planned to the Indian Himalaya, the Peruvian Amazon and the Canadian Yukon. The programme is also led and delivered by professional volunteers.
Under British Exploring Society’s 2019 Explorer Miles scheme, young people can earn credits up to a maximum expedition value of £1000 for 100 hours of volunteering, funded by the donation. Explorer Miles volunteering can take many forms with Young Explorers in 2017 and 2018 working in charity shops, making bread in community bakeries, mucking out rare breed animal sanctuaries and spending time with patients in respite care homes.

On the expeditions, the Young Explorers face challenges, gain skills and learn about themselves as well as acquiring knowledge relevant to their lives and to the environments they explore. The programmes include a strong focus on scientific education and research, and 11,000 young people have gone on these expeditions so far.
To be considered for the programme, applicants must explain how many hours they pledge to volunteer, why taking part in Explorer Miles volunteering/social action will make a positive difference to them and why the Society should include them in the scheme, as well as how financial support from Explorer Miles will help them make the most of their time on the expedition programme and what they are hoping to get out of their experience with British Exploring Society.
Honor Wilson-Fletcher, CEO of British Exploring Society, said:

“We have two main aims with our Explorer Miles scheme. Firstly, to make our expeditions as accessible as possible. Secondly, to ensure that everyone who joins us on expedition acquires as many skills for life as they can with us. The positive learning gained from volunteering at home is a fantastic start.’’



