Free digital workshops on offer from CAST

Melanie May | 2 November 2018 | News

CAST, the Centre for Acceleration of Social Technology, is offering free half-day workshops to established non-profits that are interested in working out where digital may help them.
The workshops, called Design Hops, are aimed at decision-makers in organisations with an income over £10,000.
During the workshop, attendees will develop an understanding of what ‘digital’ means, how it can help and how it might be approached in their organisation. The workshop will also help to identify and prioritise a key problem that can be addressed with digital, as well as a specific next step that will enable them to test some key assumptions around that problem. They will also set achievable goals and simple actions for digital progress, and meet peers in their area tackling some of the same challenges.
CAST’s workshop will also show examples of how digital approaches have helped other charities become more resilient and responsive to the needs of their service users, teach simple exercises and tools that can be used and shared with colleagues. Attendees will also learn to identify elements of their current service and networks that they can draw on to help manage change.
By the end of the workshop, attendees will have drafted the outline of a brief that can be used to approach tech partners or as the basis of a pitch to relevant funding opportunities. They will also be connected to local networks, experts and tools to help support the next step of their digital journey, as well as live funding opportunities, where relevant, and ad will be offered a range of follow-up opportunities with CAST and its network to help them maintain momentum.
The first two Design Hops take place in London on 22 November and Manchester on 6 December, with more to follow. Information and registration is available on the CAST site.



