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Big Lottery Fund launches £15m Digital Fund

The Big Lottery Fund is launching a £15 million Digital Fund to help charities and community organisations use digital tools and approaches to support people and communities.
Applications open on 22 October 2018 and close on 3 December 2018. However, there will also be further opportunities to apply in 2019.
The Digital Fund is currently offering two strands of funding. Digital Fund Strand 1 offers grants of up to £500,000 and a tailored support package. The aim is to help established charities use digital take a major leap forward, with grants expected to last from one to four years. Digital Fund Strand 2 offers grants of up to £500,000 for newer organisations that have already launched promising services that use digital to achieve scale or impact. These grants are also expected to last from one to four years.
Voluntary and community organisations, registered charities, social enterprises, groups of organisations (if led by a voluntary and community organisations or social enterprise), and community interest companies (with two or more directors), can all apply.
To apply for Strand 1 funding, organisations must have an income over £500,000 per year. If income reached over £10m last year, the Big Lottery Fund will ask for a matching contribution tailored to the organisation’s size. Organisations must be incorporated within the UK, and must work primarily in the voluntary and community sector.
To be eligible for Strand 2, organisations must have been incorporated after the year 2000, and must currently operate a product or service that is functional and being used by the type of people and communities they plan to serve in future.
Further information is available on the Big Lottery Fund site.



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