Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Facebook eliminates charges on online donations

Melanie May | 30 November 2017 | News

Facebook has announced that it is dropping its fees for online donations made through its site, with 100% to go to directly to the recipient organisation. 
Facebook announced the news today (30 November) at its second annual Social Good Forum, along with a raft of other new tools and initiatives.
These include:

It is also continuing the global rollout of its fundraising tools, introducing Mentorship and Support to enable non-profits to connect people who may need support in an area such as career advancement or addiction recovery with an experienced mentor, and expanding its Blood Donations feature, launched in India in October to enable hospitals, blood banks and non-profits to create voluntary blood donation events on Facebook and help them inform supporters.
To watch the broadcast with Mark Zuckerberg, click on this link.

facebook fundraisers

Facebook Fundraisers



Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

