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Applications for Crohn’s and Colitis UK research grants are open

Howard Lake | 22 June 2017 | News

Applications are now open for patient information and support charity Crohn’s and Colitis UK research grants for 2018.

The charity makes three kinds of awards:

Medical – any aspect of Inflammatory Bowel Disease relevant to a better understanding of the causes or mechanisms of IBD or better treatment for IBD patients. 

Living with IBD – any aspect of the social and psychological impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease including research into ways of helping patients and their families to live with IBD.

Health Services – research with the potential to improve the services provided to the UK’s IBD community and to drive up standards of care for patients with IBD.

Grants for a project are usually made up to a maximum of £120,000 over a period of up to three years. 


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Applications for funding of pilot studies are also encouraged.

For more information regarding these awards, please contact Crohn’s and Colitis UK.

The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday, 22nd September 2017.

2017 awards

The charity has today announced the recipients of its Research Awards for 2017. Nine projects to enhance understanding, develop better treatments and improve care have received a total of £695,304.

Recipients include King’s College London, the University of Leeds, and the University of Exeter.

Watch Walk it! Talk it! by Crohn’s and Colitis UK

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