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Garfield Weston Foundation launches new site to help funding applicants

Melanie May | 25 April 2017 | News

The Garfield Weston Foundation has launched its new website, which aims to help potential applicant charities with the process of applying for funding.
The new Garfield Weston Foundation site is mobile-friendly, and features examples and guidelines on many of the aspects of applying for funding that charities find most challenging according to the Foundation’s feedback and experience, including presenting fundraising plans and charity finances.
Guidance has also been provided on core costs in response to the Foundation’s previous research and experience, which has shown confusion in the voluntary sector over the scope and availability of core costs funding. New advice on the website aims to help by using clear guidelines and case studies.
Philippa Charles, director of the Garfield Weston Foundation said,

“The Trustees understand how challenging and resource-intensive fundraising can be in today’s voluntary sector. We aim to ensure that applying for funding is as straightforward as possible, and that charities receive the right advice in filling out their applications.
“We have listened to feedback from our applicants and have strived to make our guidance on applying for grants online even clearer, as well as making sure our website is easy to navigate and completely accessible.
“We hope the new guidance will be helpful to charities in applying not only to the Garfield Weston Foundation, but also to other potential sources of funding”.



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