NI charities miss out on £33 million annually

Howard Lake | 1 March 2007 | News

An estimated £33 million was not claimed by community and voluntary organisations in Northern Ireland from the Government last year, according to research by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action.

Research by NICVA suggests that only 22% of donations are Gift Aided equating to £33m a year. Across the sector only 50% of Direct Debits and 90% of cash donations are not reclaiming the extra 28%+ the Gift Aid scheme permits.

To help boost the level of Gift Aid claims the Institute of Fundraising is running a seminar on Wednesday 21st March on the subject of Getting the Best from Gift Aid. This seminar aims to introduce the subject of Gift Aid while looking at tips and hints for using it more effectively and providing ./guidance on how to develop a Gift Aid campaign.


This seminar will explain:

–What the Gift Aid Scheme is
–Practical ways in which Gift Aid can be claimed for those new to it and suggest creative ways for others already using the scheme.
–Suggest ways forward to increase conversion rates (improving the uptake of Gift Aid in donors)
–Provide practical ./guidance materials for taking forward Gift Aid fundraising
–Share examples of good practice
–Discuss how the sector can improve uptake of Gift Aid

Lunch will be available from 12.30pm while the seminar will commence around 1pm and finishes normally around 2pm. It is open to both non-IOF and IOF members with a cover charge of £5.50 for members and £7.00 for non-members.

For more information and to register attendance at the event see the Community NI Events Calendar.

