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Asda says no to non-charitable car park clothing recycling collections

Howard Lake | 8 September 2006 | News

Supermarket Asda has asked a company to remove its clothing recycling collection bins from its car parks having learned that it is not a registered charity.

According to The Times, Asda’s lawyers instructed Planet Aid, a company linked to the Danish organisation Humana People to People, to remove all its bins from their premises by the end of August.

Birgit Soe, head of Planet Aid in the UK, told The Times that it chose not to be a registered charity so that it could be free to engage in buying and selling clothing.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Asda is continuing to permit registered charity The Salvation Army to site clothing recycling bins in its car parks.

