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Free tax-effective giving guide on CD for charities

Howard Lake | 9 July 2006 | News

The Institute of Fundraising is today launching its CD-Rom guide for charities on tax-effective giving. The CD will be on display at the Institute’s National Convention in London.

The CD comprises ‘Making Giving Go Further – The Definitive Guide to Tax-Effective Giving’, which shows charities how to maximise their income through tax-effective fundraising methods such as Gift Aid, Payroll Giving, Legacies and Share Giving.

It also includes 45 downloads and template materials that charities can use to promote tax-effective giving to their donors. These include:


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

· the Gift Aid and Payroll Giving logos,

· template articles, letters and press releases

· promotional tips,

· model forms, ./guidance documents and

· the relevant Codes of Fundraising Practice.

The new free guide forms part of the Institute’s wider tax-effective giving project and campaign to encourage and support small and medium charities in making better use of tax-effective giving.

Lee Grant, Tax-Effective Giving Project Manager at the Institute of Fundraising, said: “This CD offers charities the practical resources they need to promote tax-effective giving to their donors and potential donors – from template articles that can be used in donor’s newsletters, to tips on increasing Gift Aid take-up for integration into a charity’s fundraising strategy.

“Already, 5,000 of the tax-effectve giving guide books have been snapped-up by charities across England. We hope that churches, art galleries and schools alike will find this resource just as useful.”

