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The Cinquefoil Trust (1157310)

Howard Lake | 17 July 2014 | Blogs

While researching the next edition of The Trust List, I came across The Cinquefoil Trust (1157310). The Charity Commission does not list any trustees for the Trust, and I have been advised that the Trust has been given a dispensation by the Charity Commission from publishing the names of its trustees. Interestingly, The Cinquefoil Trust shares contact details with MI5! MI5 reports that the cinquefoil’s five petals in the MI5 crest allude to the “5” in MI5.
If you want to subscribe to The Trust List, take a look at the website. Samples available by emailing in**@ne**********.org
Finbar Cullen, ResearchPlus
Photo: cinquefoil by Vanessa Nel on Shutterstock.com

