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Two events management companies added to suppliers directory

Howard Lake | 4 July 2005 | News

Affinity Events and Primo UK are the latest additions to the events section of the UK Fundraising suppliers directory.

Affinity Events are currently helping put together the Baptist World Centenary Congress, described as “the Baptist Olympic Games (but without the medals)” and which is expected to draw 13,000 delegates to the National Indoor Arena in Birmingham.

They were brought in to supplement the team already put in place by the Baptists, and are responsible for the technical elements of the conference, including a 60 foot wide widescreen vector projection system. Speech elements of the conference will be translated into six languages simultaneously using the latest digital infrared headsets.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Tim Headley, Affinity Events Production Manager, said: “The stage has been custom designed to provide maximum versatility – with content ranging from solo speakers (such as former US president Jimmy Carter) to orchestras, worship bands and mass choirs comprising nearly 300 singers.”

Affinity Events work mainly with the not-for-profit sector, and their clients include Christian Aid (for the Make Poverty History Campaign), The National Association for Head Teachers and The Association for Coaching.

