Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Senior charity staff register for UK Fundraising's Perfect Pitch

Howard Lake | 20 June 2005 | News

UK Fundraising’s Perfect Pitch IT/online showcase has already drawn an audience consisting largely of senior charity sector staff.

Over two thirds of those who have already registered to attend UK Fundraising’s IT/online showcase next week are CEOs, heads of fundraising/marketing, or managers in the charity and nonprofit sectors.

Perfect Pitch, which will be held in London’s Savoy Place on Thursday 30 June, is aimed at those keen to learn about IT/online services for the charity and nonprofit sector and those who are in the market to purchase these services and products.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

There is no charge to attend, and we expect up to 10 companies to present on the day. Some will be featuring charity case studies.

There are still a few places left, but pre-registration is required.

Join UK Fundraising at Perfect Pitch on 30 June. Register online today.

