Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Fame Academy bursary awards closing date extended to 16 May

Howard Lake | 20 April 2005 | News

Money from the public’s telephone voting during the Fame Academy TV series has funded the Fame Academy Bursary, which give away educational bursaries and instrument and equipment awards.

The 2005 Instrument and Equipment Awards, for applicants aged 11-15, are now open and the application form is online at the BBC’s website. The closing date for receiving applications has been extended to Monday
16 May 2005.

In the past two years, the Fame Academy Bursary has made over 300 instrument and
equipment awards worth up to £1200 each for applicants aged 11-15. The awards have been used to buy instruments like guitars and saxophones and equipment like PA systems and home recording studios.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The Fame Academy Education Bursary funds students to the tune of £37,500 for
three years while they pursue careers in music. There were five winners in 2003.
This scheme will run again in summer 2005.

