Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Quarriers' first DM donor recruitment campaign exceeds target

Scottish social care charity Quarriers has launched its first cold donor recruitment campaign using direct mail. Sent to just under 50,000 names it has exceeded its target by over 200%.

The mailing was created by full service direct marketing agency Burnett Works. The pack tested a low direct debit ask against a high direct debit ask with a one-off gift option in each case. This pack will be tested again against a new creative treatment using new lists.

Head of Individual Giving Morag Fleming said: “These are excellent first results: ­ we’ve also gained lots of valuable learning for future recruitment activity.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The pack consisted of a letter, six-page leaflet and separate reply coupon
focusing on the theme ‘Quarriers is making amazing things happen around the
clock’. The leaflet illustrated the six areas of Quarriers’ work with case studies of people supported by the charity. One example featured in greater detail in the letter which made the point that encouraging a vulnerable family to access Quarriers services cost as little as £7 per family member.

The mailing is part of an ongoing programme to diversify Quarriers’ funding
base following the charity’s appointment in May 2004 of Burnett Works to handle donor recruitment and development.

