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World Vision appoints Kazoo Communications

World Vision has appointed Kazoo Communications to handle the PR for its 24-hour Famine fundraising event.

Consumer brand consultancy Kazoo Communications has been appointed by international aid and development agency World Vision to handle all public relations for their annual youth fundraising event, the 24-hour Famine.

Kazoo will work alongside World Vision’s in-house team to manage celebrity endorsements, develop brand alliances and build the organisation’s profile in the national, regional and youth media.


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The campaign encourages young people to give up food for 24 hours and this year’s campaign is focusing on the impact of HIV on children overseas, with an emphasis on those who have been orphaned as a result of AIDS.

The campaign has already begun with a mix of trade and consumer PR activity that will publicise World Vision’s objectives and enlist UK teenagers to take part in the 24-hour Famine weekend in February 2005.

The London-based agency secured the account after a three-way competitive pitch and consultative process hosted in June 2004.

