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New grant guidelines from Lloyds TSB Foundation

Howard Lake | 10 December 2003 | News

The Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales has published its new guidelines for charities applying for a grant during 2004 – both at a regional and England and Wales-wide level.

Grants are given to grassroots charities which help disadvantaged and disabled people to play a fuller a role in the community. The Foundation funds a wide range of social and community needs, including core funding, from disability information services to community centres and telephone helplines.

The majority of the Foundation’s grants fall under the ‘Community Programme’ – 89% of funds distributed so far in 2003. The average regional donation is £6,000 and national donation £18,000. The guidelines also give details of the ‘Collaborative Programme’ which encourages “joined up” working within the voluntary sector and with public agencies (7 per cent of its funds in 2003). ‘New Initiatives’ will continue to be funded which demonstrate innovation, and where there is a clear intention to roll out pilot projects across England and Wales (4% of funds in 2003).


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Each of the Foundation’s ten regions has their own funding priorities according to local need. In an effort to make a more sustainable difference through the Foundation’s grant-making, England and Wales-wide priority areas remain unchanged although some objectives are more tightly defined: refugees and asylum seekers; supporting diversity and inclusion; and capacity building.

Kathleen Duncan, Director General of the Foundation for England and Wales, said: “We constantly review our grant-making priorities to ensure that we are meeting genuine community needs and helping to make a positive impact at a local level. We hope that by publishing clear guidelines, charities will be given the best opportunity to submit a successful application.”

