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NSPCC reduces mobile costs by 50% with Orange

Howard Lake | 7 July 2002 | News

Telecoms company Orange UK is helping the NSPCC to enjoy cost savings of up to 50%.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has invested in 500 mobile telephone handsets for more than a quarter of its employees. When it realised its mobile phone system needed an overhaul it turned to Orange UK, following a competitive tender involving the major networks and resellers.

As a result, the NSPCC says it is now enjoying savings of up to 50% on its mobile ‘phone costs with savings on line rental, call charges, and insurance.


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Part of the NSPCC’s solution from Orange is Line 2, a service enabling all NSPCC employees with mobile phones to access two separate lines, with different numbers (for business and personal use) from the same handset. The ability to distinguish between business and personal calls is clearly valuable for charities.

