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Companies find it hard to update Web sites quickly

Howard Lake | 27 February 2002 | News

Even major companies are slow to update their Web sites, according to new research.

Research by content management firm Documentum found that major companies can be slow to update their Web sites. The company surveyed Global 2000 companies, who together have a turnover of $1 billion.

Forty three per cent say they take up to a week to publish new material on their Web sites. About 15% said they could do it in under a month, and 4% could update a site within a fortnight.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Charities struggling to keep their Web content fresh should take some comfort in these figures.

On the other hand, 4% of these top companies can update their sites within one minute.

