Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Christian Aid Week banner ad profiled

Howard Lake | 6 June 2001 | News

New Media Age magazine has featured two charity adverts in its Ad Watch feature. Christian Aid’s banner ad for Christian Aid Week, designed by Thirsty Fish, was placed on key sites such as Beeb.com, Guardian Unlimited, and the 24/7 network.

New Media Age magazine has featured two charity adverts in its Ad Watch feature. Christian Aid’s banner ad for Christian Aid Week, designed by Thirsty Fish, was placed on key sites such as Beeb.com, Guardian Unlimited, and the 24/7 network.

The Institute of Cancer Research’s Everyman campaign was singled out for its innovation. A Flash pop-up encourages male users to spend the World Wide Wait for Web pages to download by examining themselves for signs of testicular cancer. The creative by Box Brands read “Gents, put your hands in your pants and click when you feel ready.” The production and media space on NME.com, Uploaded.com, and Gameplay.com were all donated.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

