Oxfam shares online direct marketing experience

Howard Lake | 17 January 2000 | News

Oxfam GB is sharing its experience with direct marketing online at a London conference this Spring.

Oxfam GB is sharing its experience with direct marketing online at a London conference this Spring. Internet Manager Julia Flynn will present a case study at Direct Marketing Online on 13 and 14 April.

Entitled “Oxfam is the UK’s Leading Charity Direct Market – How are they Coping with the Transition to the Digital Age?,” Flynn will look at how Oxfam’s online and offline direct marketing strategies have been integrated, and how they are driving traffic to their site.


Flynn has worked on Internet initiatives with Oxfam for two years. In the last six months of 1999, Oxfam launched its first online banner ad emergency appeal, a free ISP with Yahoo, and a shopping site that combines online sales with a fair trade message.

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