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CIOF issues call for papers for next year’s Fundraising Convention

Melanie May | 29 August 2024 | News

A woman raises her hand in a conference. By Luis Quintero on Pexels

The Chartered Institute of Fundraising has opened its call for papers for the 2025 Fundraising Convention, with a deadline of 5pm on 21 October.

Next year’s Convention moves from its usual July slot to 9 and 10 June, and will once again be held at London’s QEII Centre, and online.

Those who would like to speak at Convention can submit their ideas now, until the 21 October deadline. The CIOF is seeking a variety of formats to provide multiple ways of sharing and understanding, from sessions and seminars, to panel debates, workshops, speed networking and more.


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Submission should focus on explaining: the session idea, who it is aimed at, and what attendees will get from it.

Convention tracks for 2025 will be:

Convention Board members sought

The CIOF is also looking for people to join the Fundraising Convention Board, which is chaired by Jonathan Levy.

The Board’s key responsibility is to shape and deliver the event’s content and to ensure that Convention reflects the diversity of the wider fundraising community. The CIOF therefore particularly welcomes applications from ethnic minorities, disabled and LGBTQIA+ fundraisers.

 The deadline for applications for this is midday on Thursday 12 September.

More information here.

