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National & local funding opportunities for charities

Melanie May | 18 April 2024 | News

Close up of £10 notes.

A round up of national and local funding opportunities for charities, from grants for climate action projects, to those to extend capacity of UK charities working to improve quality of life for people in need.

Octopus Giving seeks charities for three-year partnership including annual unrestricted grant of £45k

Octopus Giving is looking for two charities tackling pressing issues to partner with for the next three years.

The partnership will commence in July, and Octopus Giving is looking for charities working in one of two key areas: addressing climate challenges, and supporting overlooked communities.


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Applications close on Friday 26 April.

Each year of the partnership, each charity will receive an unrestricted grant of £45,000 to provide financial support to directly address its needs and accelerate its mission. They will also receive ongoing guidance and support from a dedicated team, as well volunteers and access to the diverse skillset of Octopus employees in IT, marketing, finance, HR, and more to help amplify their impact.

More information here.

National Lottery Community Fund makes £20mn available for projects inspiring people to take climate action

The National Lottery Community Fund is making £20 million available for partnership projects linking climate action to the everyday lives and interests of local communities and inspiring more people to take action.

The funding is part of a 10-year £100million Climate Action Fund programme. Since 2019, £78.6m has supported 550 projects to enable people across the UK to take climate action in their local communities, thanks to National Lottery Players.

The Climate Action Fund – Our Shared Future aims to involve more people in climate action and will fund formal partnership projects that reach more people by either:

Organisations do not have to be climate or environment focused to apply, and the fund is particularly interested in projects that involve people, places and communities experiencing poverty, discrimination and disadvantage.

The minimum that can be asked for is £500,000, and the fund expects to provide most projects with between £1 million and £1.5 million over 3 to 5 years, aiming to support up to 25 projects.

Applications are open until at least the end of 2024 with a plan to close to applications in early 2025.

More information here.

Capital grants of up to £250k available to extend capacity of UK charities working to improve quality of life for people in need

The funding is available from The Edward Gosling Foundation’s Capital Grant Programme, and is to expand the capacity of UK registered charities and CIOs working to improve the quality of life for people in need, particularly those living on very low incomes who have a disability or long-term illness.

It is for major capital projects that align with one or more of the Foundation’s funding themes:

Projects should also build new capacity, promote sustainability, and bring about a step change in the way care is delivered.

Decisions under this programme can take 90 days and grants of up to £250K are available but amounts will vary depending on the size and scope of the project. Trustees may award more for projects they believe are truly innovative.

More information here.

University of Glasgow launches grant scheme for local communities

The University of Glasgow is inviting community groups, charities and projects working within Glasgow Riverside Innovation District (GRID) to apply for grants of up to £5,000 from the GRID Civic Grant Fund.

The fund has been set up by the University to support communities in its surrounding areas, with the first round open for applications until 22 May 2024. Up to £5,000 can be awarded for each successful project.

A GRID Civic Micro Grant Fund is also live and will be open all year round – with up to £850 available to help smaller projects.

Both funds are intended to support local groups to make a positive impact for those living, working and learning within the innovation district comprising G3, G11, G12 and G51 postcodes.

Funding support is available for a range of activities and projects including for example: equality, diversity & inclusion focused initiatives; health, wellbeing and fitness & sport; sustainability and climate change; food poverty; arts, heritage, and culture; education and outreach; finance / debt advice; underrepresented groups; and community spaces.

Applicants need to show their project aligns with one of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, which include for example tackling poverty, supporting good health and reducing inequalities.

More information here.

Grants of up to £3k available for charities in the North West

The Skelton Charity makes grants to charities in Lancashire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside, including the unitary authorities of Blackpool, Blackburn, Warrington and Halton.

The charity is particularly keen to support applications for:

Grants made tend to be between £500 – £3,000 but can be as high as £5,000. The total annual income at the charity’s disposal is approximately £100,000.

Applications are open, with a deadline of 5 June at 5pm.

 More information here.

