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New Chair for Remember A Charity, & more sector mover news

Melanie May | 7 December 2023 | News

a low angle shot of skyscrapers. by pixbay on pexels

British Red Cross’s Head of Legacies Anaish Yilma-Parmar takes up the Chair role at Remember A Charity, while Naren Patel takes up the role at NABS, and War Child UK announces Helen Pattinson as CEO. More on these and other charity sector appointments below.

Anaish Yilma-Parmar takes up Remember A Charity Chair role

Remember A Charity has announced the appointment of a new Chair, Anaish Yilma-Parmar, British Red Cross’s Head of Legacies, who will take over responsibility for leading the coalition of charities towards its goal of making legacy giving a social norm. Yilma-Parmar will take up the role in January 2024, picking up the reins from Allan Freeman. 

Having completed an extended four-year term as Chair of the consortium, Freeman will step down at the end of December. However, he will remain on the Executive group, which works closely with Remember A Charity’s staff team. 


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War Child UK appoints Helen Pattinson as Chief Executive

War Child UK has today announced the appointment of Helen Pattinson as its new Chief Executive.
Pattinson is currently the charity’s Director of Fundraising and Communications and has previously been Director of Fundraising at ActionAid and Head of Direct Marketing and Legacies at UNICEF UK.

Pattinson will replace Rob Williams, who has led War Child UK since 2012, as he moves to Chief
Executive at the newly formed War Child Alliance. The Alliance has been formed to lead on the
planning and implementation of War Child’s programmatic and advocacy work, that was previously
owned by War Child UK and War Child Netherlands, leaving the two organisations to solely focus on
fundraising. Both will take on their new roles from 1 January 2024. The Alliance will start operating form the same date.

Naren Patel to take over as chair of NABS as Simon Daglish steps down from role   

Simon Daglish, deputy MD of commercial, ITV plc, is to step down from his role as chair of NABS. He will finish his tenure as chair in the new year and remain as a trustee for a year.  

Daglish has been in post at the industry charity for ten years, having taken up the role in 2016. He was a trustee beforehand, joining both the NABS board and Stranger than Summer fundraising committee in 2012. He will be succeeded by Naren Patel, founder of MEFA, previously CEO of Primesight and a NABS trustee and finance committee member since 2013. Patel will take up the reins in January 2024.  

Laurie Deans appointed as Head of Zurich Community Trust 

Zurich Community Trust (ZCT) has announced the appointment of Laurie Deans as head of ZCT. Deans will succeed Steve Grimmett who has decided to step down next April after leading the business for the past five years.  

Deans has been with Zurich for two decades having joined the business on the Actuarial Graduate Scheme in 2004. She has held a number of roles across pricing and underwriting, culminating in her current position as Head of EEA Implementation and Engagement.  She has been involved in ZCT for several years, as a member of the Trust Executive since 2020.  This year the Trust celebrates its 50th year, having contributed over £100 million to local communities during this time. 

Stewardship announces new CEO

Christian charity Stewardship has announced Janie Oliver as its new CEO. Oliver, currently CFO at Stewardship, will take over from outgoing CEO Stewart McCulloch when he moves to debt help charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP) at the start of 2024.

Oliver joined Stewardship as CFO in February 2021 having previously served as Executive Director for JustMoney Movement (formerly the Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility). She also spent four years as Director of Finance and Operations for Access – The Foundation for Social Investment, pioneering their total-impact investment approach of their £60m endowment. This included a period as Acting CEO. Prior to moving into the charity sector, she held various senior roles with Barclays. Her voluntary experience includes three trusteeships.

Music Support announces Joe Hastings as new CEO

Music Support, which helps those who work in music and live events affected by mental ill health and/or addiction, has appointed Joe Hastings as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective 2 January 2024.

With a background working in a wide range of roles including as a composer, in addiction services and for the charities Help Musicians and Music Minds Matter, Hastings brings a wealth of experience and a passion for supporting individuals in the music and live events industry to the role. Prior to joining Music Support, Hastings headed up the Music Minds Matter Charity, where he led on the development of services including a support line and counselling service, support groups, self-care sessions and ‘Music Minds Matter Explore’ – a selection of professional online resources and guidance. His experience, commitment and strategic vision in fostering a supportive and inclusive culture make him an ideal fit for Music Support’s mission.

Anthony Lobo

Three new Trustees for Alzheimer’s Society

Alzheimer’s Society has announced the appointment of three new Trustees to its board: Anthony Lobo, Phil Andrew and Dr Malte Gerhold who take up their positions this December.

Anthony Lobo is currently a Board member at KPMG in the UK and has direct experience of dementia through his late mother who developed Posterior cortical atrophy in her early 60s. Phil Andrew is Group Chief Executive at housing group Orbit, and Dr Malte Gerhold has held senior leadership roles in the public, private and third sector in health and social care, in the UK and abroad. He is currently Director of Innovation and Improvement at the Health Foundation.

