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Big Give launches matched funding campaign for arts & culture

Melanie May | 18 October 2023 | News

A girl paints a pumpkin. By Rosemary Ketchum on pexels

Big Give’s inaugural Arts for Impact Matched Funding campaign will support arts and culture charities working to achieve societal impact across the UK.

The aim is to raise £2 million over seven days between 19 and 26 March 2024. Charities interested in taking part can apply until 15 December.


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Alex Day, Managing Director of Big Give, said:

“We are very excited to launch our first ever Arts for Impact match fund campaign and to collaborate with our expert partner, New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture. The arts have the power to transform lives and communities, however, so often art programmes in the UK are inaccessible due to lack of funding. This campaign aims to provide funding to charities who are seeking to make a transformative impact in the arts and culture sector.”

Big Give is partnering with New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture (NPAC) for the Arts for Impact Matched Funding campaign. NPAC works with arts organisations and other partners across the UK to develop networks of individuals interested in increasing philanthropic support of the arts and culture sector.

As with Big Give’s other matched funding campaigns, this one will see donations to the participating charities doubled – in this case by the Big Give’s Arts for Impact match fund, which is supported by ‘champions’, who are typically philanthropists, foundations or companies.

Sir Vernon Ellis, Chair, New Philanthropy for Arts & Culture, said:

“This new fund represents a significant opportunity for the arts and culture sector to look for new support beyond traditional arts patronage. We are delighted to be partnering with Big Give, and grateful to the generous champions of this fund including Sir Alec Reed, and Arts Council England. I would encourage all arts and culture organisations to consider participating in this campaign, to maximise the potential support for their invaluable work.”

Tonya Nelson, Executive Director, Enterprise and Innovation, Arts Council England, said:

“Philanthropy is a vital part of funding for culture in the UK, and innovative ways of raising money, such as match funding, including this, enabled through the generosity of the Big Give, Sir Alec Reed and other individuals, can help cultural organisations to bring the brilliant work they do to more people in more places across the country. We’re delighted to work with Beacon Collaborative and New Philanthropy for Arts and Culture on this initiative, and look forward to seeing the impact it creates.”

The launch of the campaign follows last year’s announcement of a new Big Give Women & Girls Match Fund campaign. The inaugural campaign opened this month (11 October) and runs until today (18 October).

