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Cancer Research UK launches integrated creative platform to bring single approach to all campaigns

Melanie May | 1 June 2021 | News

Cancer Research UK participants in Race for Life

Cancer Research UK launches a new integrated creative platform today that will enable the charity to take a singular creative approach across all of its campaigns.

Developed with Anomaly, the platform launches with a new brand response campaign that will appear across TV, video on demand (VOD), outdoor, digital and social media.

The core messaging of ‘1 in 2 of us will get cancer. All of us can support the research that will beat it’ will be woven across multiple campaigns including brand response, legacies and Race for Life. This approach is new for Cancer Research UK, and has been designed to help the charity create stronger, more impactful and efficient campaigns.  


Building on the previous ‘Right Now’ campaign, those affected by the disease will continue to be at the core of the creative, but the wider collective effort will also be highlighted. From regular donors to volunteers, 5k runners to researchers, fundraisers to health professionals – different roles will be shown to demonstrate that everyone can play a part in supporting life-saving research, and that every part makes a difference.  

The statistic of 1 in 2 people being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime is included to demonstrate the urgency and scale of the problem faced, and highlights how funding research helps. Depending on the campaign, different calls to action will be used including donating, signing up to a fundraising event, pledging a gift in a will or volunteering.  

In the new brand response campaign, 60” and 30” TV ads, directed by Jessy Moussallem, tell a broad story of cancer and those who aim to help beat it. The ads feature a combination of archive footage, UGC content and on-location filming including in hospitals, fundraising events, Cancer Research UK shops and laboratories. A montage shows the impact one small action can have, inviting people to play their part. The ads close with the message, ‘Together, we will beat cancer’.  

The music featured in the ads is an instrumental cover of Radiohead’s track ‘Reckoner’ with the outdoor and digital creative shot by photographer Lauren Maccabee.  Cropped portrait shots appear alongside the message of ‘1 in 2 of us will get it. All of us can help beat it.’ The copy highlights different ways to support Cancer Research UK’s work: donate, volunteer, fundraise, pledge – reinforcing that everyone can play their part how they wish.  Social media will also share the stories of those featuring in the campaign across multiple channels. 

Philip Almond, executive director of marketing, fundraising and engagement at Cancer Research UK said:

“1 in 2 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. This is a devastating statistic, and shows the urgency and scale of what we are facing.


“Having a single creative approach across campaigns ensures our marketing activity tells a consistent message and works together to create a bigger impact. By making our marketing as effective as it can be, we safeguard the valuable contributions made by all our supporters as every pound we spend is working its hardest. Consistent messaging gives people clear ways they can support life-saving research – that could be donating, volunteering or fundraising. Every action makes a difference.


“We want people to see the part they can play in supporting the world-class research we fund that will make transformative steps in prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, everyone is affected by cancer in some way, but also everyone can be part of the solution and support the research that will beat it.”

Jack Denyer, creative at Anomaly said: 

“This year we’re opening things up a bit; not only showing those affected by cancer, but the relentless, diverse army of those trying to help beat it. We’ve been fortunate to work with some phenomenal talent in director Jessy Moussallem and composer Gael Rakotondrabe, who created a cover of Radiohead’s ‘Reckoner’. Their talents combined with the efforts of the team at Cancer Research UK has resulted in this rousing, hopeful campaign that will give people inspiration of the different ways they can support vital research to help save lives.”

The campaign launches today, 1 June and will see the first phase run across the summer months. Media was planned and bought by MediaCom.

