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Charity views sought on process for London Marathon guaranteed place allocation

Melanie May | 5 May 2020 | News

London Marathon Events (LME) is seeking feedback and ideas from charities as part of its full review of the current process for the allocation of guaranteed charity places in the London Marathon.
A survey has been sent to more than 2,000 charities on LME’s database and LME is keen to hear from any charity that would like to participate.
Hugh Brasher, Event Director for London Marathon Events, said:

“We want to hear from charities of all sizes that have had places in the London Marathon and from those that have not. With the devastating impacts of Covid-19 on charity income, this review becomes even more important. Places in the London Marathon provide a very powerful fundraising opportunity. The current system is complex and it will take until 2027 for any new process to be fully implemented.”

Charities should contact he******@lo******************.uk to obtain the survey. The deadline for responses is 1700 on Friday 15 May.
The survey is part of an extensive review and consultation process by LME, which is scheduled to be completed by December 2020.



