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Forbes Solicitors launches foundation to help children & their families

Melanie May | 14 August 2019 | News

Forbes Solicitors has launched a charitable foundation aimed at supporting children and their families who are in need due to ill health, disability, and/or financial hardship.
Providing facilities, equipment, and grants, the Forbes Foundation will support families across England and Wales but predominantly in the North of England, where Forbes Solicitors operates.
It became a registered charity on the 11 January 2019 and is funded by staff joining forces to organise and take part in fundraising events, both internally and with support from family, friends, clients and professional contacts across the North of England.
The Forbes Foundation’s launch was marked with a £6,000 grant to Isaac Wood, aged one from Darwen (pictured with parents), who was born with the muscle wasting disease spinal muscular atrophy type 1.
The money will help towards the fundraising his mum Kerry is currently undertaking to fund an electric wheelchair for Isaac when he is older.
Forbes Solicitors CEO Oliver Burton said:

“The Forbes Foundation started with the will to make a difference and it has been embraced by the amazing team of people we have here at Forbes.
“When we heard about little Isaac and the amazing progress he is making we wanted to do something to help to support him and his amazing family.
“This is exactly why we set up the Foundation – to make a difference to people’s lives – and we are always looking for ideas to raise funds in order to help fulfil that goal.”

The Foundation is inviting those who know someone that could benefit from its help with a grant to get in touch.


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