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How to contact the Charity Commission

Melanie May | 21 February 2019 | News

A black woman in a white long-sleeved top sits at a desk typing on a laptop - photo: Pexels

The Charity Commission’s email addresses are changing from Monday 25 February 2019.

The Commission, which regulates charities in England and Wales, announced that the GSI (Government Secure Intranet) network is being phased out across government, and as part of this change ‘.gsi’ will be removed from Charity Commission email addresses as of this date.

All Charity Commission digital services will be unavailable from 6pm Friday 22 February until 10am Monday 25 February 2019 to prepare for this.


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It says that from Monday 25 February, the ‘.gsi’ must be removed from any emails sent to the Commission, and any records that you have which include Charity Commission email addresses must be updated.

For example, change in*******@ch***************.uk to in*******@ch***************.uk.

Emails still addressed with .gsi will not be received after this date. The UK phone number for general enquiries is still 0300 066 9197 and the online contact form is:

Don’t call us!

Please don’t contact us, Fundraising UK Ltd, to ask us to deal with your Charity Commission questions or issues. We can’t help!

