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New John Baguley book tackles issues of charity management

Melanie May | 25 October 2017 | News

IFC founder and Chair, John Baguley launches his latest book, Fundraising and Zombies: A Guide to Charity Management this week.
Baguley Fundraising & ZombiesFundraising and Zombies: A Guide to Charity Management is available from 28 October on Amazon, and looks at the ‘zombie phenomena’ affecting charities, examining why charities underperform, get in to trouble and fail to deal with the zombies stalking their corridors.
Written from the perspective of a lifelong fundraiser, charity aficionado and founder and chair of the International Fundraising Consultancy, the book is an insider’s view of the pitfalls and heroics of life in some of the UK’s best-loved charities. Real life anecdotes are examined and the problems they caused revealed, along with solutions and advice.
Baguley has had a number of books published previously, including his PhD thesis The Globalization of NGOsSuccessful Major Donor Fundraising: How Boomers Changed the Rules, and Successful Fundraising.
On this latest publication, Baguley said:

“Zombies can be found at all levels within charities. From a co-worker’s appalling behaviour to CEOs affecting the performance of the whole organisation, and in turn letting down beneficiaries, Fundraising and Zombies shows readers how to defeat the undead bringing down any charity. Whether you are thinking of joining the staff of a charity, or are already facing battles within the workplace, this book will give you the skills you need to survive and prosper.”



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