Irish insurance company offers €1m through its 2015 community fund

Howard Lake | 18 March 2015 | News

Irish insurance company IPB has made €1 million available for its 2015 community fund in the Republic of Ireland.
Renamed the IPB Community Engagement Fund, the purpose of this year’s fund is to support projects rooted in the local area, led by local people and which improve the quality of life for those living in their community.
Last year’s Fund provided €1 million to 173 projects and this year the Fund say they expect to support 100 projects.
The Fund says is aims to empower local people, enabling them to create lasting change in their communities, and will support activities that contribute to local community priorities.
There are three grant levels, €5,000, €10,000 and €20,000. In the funding category of €20,000, applications will be shortlisted and applicants will be invited to give a short presentation before final selection is made.
Organisations applying for the IPB fund must be able to provide at least 10% of the cost of the project and complete the project within 12 months of the award.
There is a very quick turnaround for applications – 5pm on 20 March 2015.

