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Community Foundation for Ireland’s applications go online

Howard Lake | 10 February 2015 | News

The Community Foundation for Ireland has introduced of a new online application form for all its grant rounds.
The new online grant application system is now live for both the Caring Communities Grant Scheme and the Older Persons’ Fund.
The new online grant application system now includes explanation boxes beside questions to help applicants better understand exactly what the Foundation is looking for and it also allows applicants to save a draft of the application online and return to it at a later date.
The Community Foundation for Ireland will now award grant payments by electronic transfer.
The Older Persons’ Fund, which is now open, seeks to support older people’s voices at a local and national level and their capacity to engage fully in all strands of society. Grants of up to €7500 are available and the deadline is 6 March 2015.
The Caring Grants scheme will provide up to €5,000 to groups providing emergency and out of hours home respite to family carers. The deadline is also 6 March.

