Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Give More campaign promotes a week of giving in September

Howard Lake | 2 September 2013 | News

The Give More campaign, which encourages people across the UK to give more to the charities and good causes they support, is promoting a week of action from 16 to 22 September.

The Give More Challenge has the support of businesses such as UBM and youth organisations such as the Scouts, and it urges the public to give more more time, money and energy to their favourite causes. Pledges to do so will be displayed on the Give More Challenge map to demonstrate the scale of other people's involvement. The organisers hope to see the map covered with pledges.

The Give More campaign has already secured over 30,000 pledges from people across the UK. Like those pledging to get involved, people who take the quiz will receive tips on what they can do to enhance their charitable giving and support.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Tamar Ghosh, Director at Give More, said: "The Give More Challenge means a new way for us to engage with existing audiences, as well as a chance to reach out to new groups…

"We’d like to encourage charities and community groups across the UK to get on board with the Challenge and help us reach as many people as possible with the message that giving more can be done in many ways that are easy, suit the individual and make a palpable difference to causes or communities we care about.”

