Why your supporters are wealthier than you expect. Course details.

Does your charity brand really need a refresh?

Howard Lake | 21 June 2012 | Blogs

Marketing Directors, Trustees and others who sometimes feel the need to make a significant change to how an organisation presents itself to the world will ask this question.  A lot.

The result of senior people raising this question can be a lot of creative workshops for teams who are busy already, potentially an ensive redesign, internal, subjective arguments over what folks like and don’t like and lastly a bad taste in the mouths of regional teams or outposts who feel ‘done to’ by head office again. The next time a senior type asks whether it isn’t about time you refreshed or changed your brand try answering the following before you act:

If you can answer ‘yes’ to even one of these questions, I would challenge the need to refresh anything without doing some significant further research.  Brands aren’t about right or wrong, they are about fitness for purpose and we need to be certain that ours aren’t before contemplating change.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Secondly, what do senior types mean by ‘brand’? Do they mean your real brand – your values, emotional benefits to users/beneficiaries, how you conduct yourselves and use these assets to support your activities – or do they mean your logo and strapline? If it’s the latter, refer back to points above.  If it’s the former, refer to Chief Executive and or strategic plan for verification about the kind of organisation you are aiming to be… and then go back to assessing ‘fitness for purpose’.

Your brand needs to work as a powerful asset to support all of your activity from fundraising to service delivery and back.  Consequently, we shouldn’t be tinkering with such an important tool without thinking it through very clearly. But more on this in our next blog…

