Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Charity Commission website automated responses

Am I just being picky, or is it worth asking the Charity Commission to include a note of the subject when they issue automated responses to email enquiries via their website?
I occasionally email the Charity Commission about a number of charities on any given day. The automated response system gives absolutely no indication what enquiry the response relates to. I therefore don’t know if they have actually received the enquiry until c two weeks later, when a proper reply should be issued.
Anyway, I have started to ask them to tweak their system, to see if they can make things clearer. I have not yet received a detailed response, and don’t know if I have received an automated response. Hmm …
Feel free to add your support to this request, if you are that way inclined.

Finbar Cullen


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

